Myths and rumours exist around pretty much every topic, mobile phone-based myths being one of the most famous types. When it comes to precious technology you can’t believe everything you hear, and the famous ideas that you might have believed were facts for the last decade might be in fact untrue. Fonehouse is here to debunk a selection of famous mobile myths – if you’re interested keep scrolling.
1. Putting Your Phone In Rice
Putting your mobile phone into rice has been a famous solution to a water damaged phone that’s been around for decades. You’ve probably done this hack yourself out of desperation or known someone who’s attempted it. However, this phone sparing method is simply just a myth and is the same as just letting your phone dry out on a counter. As soon as liquid hits a non-water resistant device, corrosion is instant. Sometimes we get lucky enough that the liquid doesn’t hit vital internal parts of our device, and sometimes the damage is detrimental. Extensive research has shown that if a person has in fact found their device to be fully functioning after leaving it in rice, it’s most likely because it’s just had the chance to fully dry out. So no matter if you just leave your device on the side, or buried deep in rice the result will be the same. No rice needed.
2. Keeping Your Bank Card Next To Your Phone Causes Damage

There’s been an ongoing rumour that keeping your bank card and your mobile phone in the same pocket can demagnetize your card, ultimately making it useable, but this in fact is simply untrue. Although all smartphones have a magnetic field, this field is nowhere near strong enough to affect your bank cards. Instead, the prolonged exposure to magnetic fields you should watch out for is on things like fridge magnets and wallet clasps.
3. Closing Background Running Apps Speeds Up Your Phone and Saves Battery

You might think that having multiple apps open on your phone can slow it down, however, the majority of modern-day smartphones are tactically built to be able to handle and proficiently optimise running apps whilst others are waiting in the background. Apps open in the background do not use up processing power, RAM or memory because they’re not actively running. This ultimately spares your battery and keeps your device speedy.
4. The More Megapixels The Better The Camera

People often mistakenly associate a device’s megapixel count with the quality of the camera. The truth is that the number of megapixels only correlates to how big of a photo your device can take. Instead of focusing on the MP stats when looking for a top-notch smartphone camera, evaluate the sensor quality, the lens set up and image processor specs instead.
5. Smartphones Give Off Harmful Radiation
You’ve probably heard the rumour that smartphones emit harmful radiation. Although it is true that radiation is emitted, this radiation is not harmful at all. Mobile phones emit very low levels of radiofrequency and non-ironizing radiation, and public health data has found no correlation between smartphones and general health.
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